Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Sons of Allen - AME Men's Ministry

Rise up, O Men of God! 
Have done with lesser things; 
Give heart and mind and soul and strength 
To serve the King of kings. 

The Sons of Allen Ministry, the official Men's Ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church fosters an atmosphere where men are inspired through worship, study and prayer to have fellowship and relationship with God and their fellowmen. The Sons of Allen will build men as providers, protectors, producers, and priests for their families and the community of the faithful. Among the several goals of the ministry, the chief goal is to lead men, especially black men in the 21st century, into a saving relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Their relationship with God is nurtured through learning about the power of prayer, experiencing the wonder of worship and sensing the sacrifice of service to others. Their salvation in Christ makes men priests for their family and community. The Sons of Allen has programs that enhance men in their abilities to serve God and God's people through social outreach, Godly civic leadership, and vital Christian testimony. Men will be developed as leaders and role models for youth. Men will be encouraged to participate in local and connectional church activities. Men will know and appreciate the enormous contribution of the African Methodist Episcopal Church through its history, aims, beliefs, and programs. Men will commit to building the Kingdom of God on earth as protectors, producers and providers. The Sons of Allen Ministry seeks to galvanize the latent power of men for the worship of God and service to God's people equipping them through the vital, vibrant, spiritual, and social message of God and the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Officers of the SOA 2014 - 2018
President, George Brown
Vice President, Rev. Timothy Stallworth
Recording Secretary, Andre Thompkins
Corresponding Secretary, Brother John D. Thomas
Treasurer, Robert Chambliss
Chaplain, Wilson Johnson
Phone: (800) 525-7282
Fax: (615) 726-1866

Reference : AME Christian Education Department 500 8th Avenue South Nashville, TN 37203

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